Local Pickups
*Local pickups are welcome but by appointment only. Please call or email us in advance.
Orders & Shipping - Important!
Our shipping hours are from 9-4pm Mon-Thur (excluding weekends and holidays). Orders placed on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and after 4pm, will be received on the following business day. Please allow up to 48 hours for your order to be shipped due to Covid and staff shortage. During winter season (November-Feb) please allow additional times for courier and Canada Post delivery as harsh weather conditions make travel difficult.
If you require a specific date of delivery, please make sure to put that in the "comments" section of your order. If we are not able to meet that date, we will send you an email to notify.
We can ship to virtually any address in the world although it is to our discretion due to restrictions in certain countries.
**For Canada, Purolator, Loomis and Canpar are the preferred methods (wholesale), for public sales Canada Post.
Canada Post shipping rates are obtained via Canada Post's direct server.
Returns Policy
*Defective Merchandise:
1) Any defective merchandise purchased from TLG Canada must be reported within 48 hours from delivery of merchandise. Please check all merchandise upon receipt! Failure to do so, will result in a 20% re-stocking fee.
2) We will issue a Return Authorization Number to you once you report defective merchandise within 48 hours.
3) All defective merchandise MUST be returned to us in originally received condition with all original packaging, accessories and labels. If important inner boxes or packaging are missing, you may receive only partial credit/refund or no credit/refund.
4) Returns on merchandise purchased 2 months prior or longer will not be accepted under any circumstance.
Missing or returned or refused Items:
5) Please report any missing item(s) within your shipment to us within 24 hours.
6) Upon verification of missing items, we will send the missing items within 48 hours or make alternate arrangements.
7) Should you want a refund in place of your missing item(s), we will issue a credit to your account or make other arrangements.
8) Any items that are returned to us due to an error in address entered by customer or customs refusal will be eligible for a refund only on cost of the items but not shipping charges. Shipping charges on our website are calculated by Canada Post via their own server.
Out of Stock Items
Although we strive to have a 100% fill rate on our goods, periodic stock outs are inevitable. Should we be out of stock on any or all of your items in your order:
9) We will notify you by email of the stock-out items and await instructions up to 5 days.
10) If we do not hear from you within 4 days of notification, we will send final reminder after which on the 5th day we will cancel order and refund your monies if paid by our Authorize.net processor. If EMT was sent, we will not cash for a cancelled order.
Questions on the above policies?
Call us at 1-888-461-4276 or email us at sales.tlgcanada@gmail.com