Welcome to TLG Canada
With over 20 years experience in the cigar business TLG Canada provides excellent customer service and timely shipping across Canada.
We distribute cigar humidors, humidifiers, hygrometers and many accessories.
We now also distribute many famous brands such as REV Ejuice, Neptune Ejuice, Liquid Fog Ejuice, REV Vapor Products, REV flavor sprays, Smok, Eleaf, Sigelei, Wismec, Voopoo REV humidification devices, Hooch herbal snuff, Jakes herbal chew, Yngwie Malmsteen humidors, and more!
Please browse our site 24/7 and if you have any questions or concerns please contact us at sales.tlgcanada@gmail.com
Once orders are received, they will still be checked manually for accuracy and all of our normal minimum orders and shipping policies are in effect.
*Please check back often as new products are added weekly.